Featured Artists
Dennis McDonnell
“I’ve been a regular patron of Tommy’s for over 30 years and have helped out with tile projects at the restaurant and at Tom’s home. My primary occupation is as a tile setter. I have worked independently on the east side of Cleveland since 1976 as well as with Tilesetter’s local 36. I also work as a photographer of weddings, events and specialty photo shoots. Since the mid 1990’s, I’ve exhibited at Tommy’s continuously and am most grateful for the opportunity to display my work. I’ve won many local competitions at places such as, The Holden Arboretum, North Chagrin Metropark and Lakeland Community College (with the Euclid Art Association).”
Dennis’s photography can be viewed and purchased online at www.pbase.com/tileman533. It can also be purchased directly from Tommy’s. Dennis can be reached by email at tileman533@sbcglobal.net.

Cindy Fello
“When I make collages the pieces just seem to go together magically, like a puzzle. I love to use material from the Art Noveau and Art Deco eras. I like to use pictures of stairways, archways, wrought iron swirls, buildings, and interesting people from that time in my collages. I have not had any formal art training. I just love to do these pictures and it seems the more I make them, the more interesting they become.”
Cindy Fello is Tommy’s wife and her art, called Paradise Collages is on permanent display and for sale at the restaurant. Her artwork and jewelry can be viewed on her website at ParadiseCollages.com.