After spending much time weighing all of our options and examining the multitude of COVID safety guidelines we have followed since May, we have decided to open our dining room to our customers. We understand that some people are ready to dine in and some are not so we have created safe, socially distanced options for whichever option is best for you. We will continue to offer our contact free curbside pick up-order online or over the phone-and pick up from the comfort of your car. Our dining room will function exactly as our patio did this summer. We will follow all social distancing and mask protocols, sanitize all common items after every use and limiting groups to 10 and under. We will no longer have customers congregating at the front of the restaurant waiting for tables, please see a greeter at the front door for table availability. In the situation where we have a wait list, we will text you when your table is ready. We’re looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and hopefully some new ones. Our hours are Mon-Thurs 12-7:00
Fri-Sun 12-8:00