To Die For: The Cleveland Scene
The 25 Restaurants Cleveland Can’t Live Without
Tommy’s is honored to be included in Douglas Trattner’s Scene Magazine’s Article, here’s what he wrote about Tommy’s.
Tommy’s Restaurant
There was a time when the epicenter of Northeast Ohio was Cleveland Heights — and more specifically, Coventry Road. And the epicenter of Coventry Road? Well, that would have been — as it is today — Tommy’s. “There is this current trend to create these new suburban lifestyle centers,” owner Tom Fello explains. “Well, Coventry Village is the original grassroots lifestyle center. The reason we call it a ‘village’ is because, in the truest sense of the word, it is.” For four decades, this peace-loving café has been nourishing Cleveland’s craziest cats, whose names are immortalized on the menu as popular sandwiches. Though this former sprout bar has a reputation as a laid-back hippie hang, the truth is that it’s a well-oiled machine. It has to be, considering the near-constant flow of foot and mouth traffic here. And while many erroneously believe that Tommy’s is a vegetarian restaurant, the delicious truth is this place takes care of herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores alike.